“You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.” – Melissa Etheridge.

As a woman, I believe it’s very important to remember all those women who’ve made history and have contributed in building gender equality (although there is still a long way to go), women who’ve made it clear that we’re strong, independent and that we can achieve everything we set our minds to. These are the women who’ve influenced my life, those whom I admire that have set an example of freedom and security through their own lives that we all should possess and project.

Lady Diana

Who hasn’t heard of Lady Di? Thanks to her struggle against the stereotypes of the monarchy and her style, she managed to be a female icon. She used her fame to help people by becoming an image for charity campaigns around the world. Lady Di is also a fashion and style icon that continues to set the guideline and inspire royalty in Europe. Without a doubt, a great inspiration in how she wore her looks with style and always keeping her professional image.

Audrey Hepburn

 Her films are legendary and her acting was excellent. My Fair Lady and Breakfast At Tiffany’s made history and have become a benchmark in pop culture. I can’t deny that they inspire me at a personal level. 

Not only did Audrey Hepburn dedicate herself to acting, but she was also UNICEF’s goodwill ambassador and founded the Audrey Hepburn Children’s Fund to support children with weaknesses. She was a very beautiful woman with unique elegance. I love her style and her passion for fashion.

Coco Chanel

 Sure, you already know that Chanel is one of my favorite brands. The story of her fashion house is very interesting because she didn’t only bring a lot of knowledge and designs to the world of fashion, but also helped free women and proved, in that moment, that she could break stereotypes and could be who she wanted to be, no matter what other people thought about her. 

Coco revolutionized women’s fashion by creating more comfortable designs, especially for the working women. She made a new haircut popular, one that was shorter than usual. She was one of the first women to wear jewelry, especially pearls (which I love by the way), and pearls have still remained a part of the Chanel collections. 

Its purpose was to transform the extremely uncomfortable clothing that women had already established. Coco Chanel managed to be one of the first women entrepreneurs to opened her first store in 1910. What an inspiration!

Angelina Jolie

Of course, I love the movies she’s acted in like Tomb Raider and Maleficent, where the main characters are strong women who tell the world “Here I am and I and I can take you down.” Angelina Jolie has a lot of personality and strength. I admire her generosity very much. She’s an actress, model, mother of six children, and a women’s rights activist. She’s made several charitable organizations to help children affected by AIDS and founded the National Center for Refugees and Immigrant Children. She’s a great example for many women and teaches us how to face obstacles that come into our lives. She has already, in her life, undergone a double mastectomy to prevent cancer and because of this, she helped many women to get informed and take care of themselves.

Michelle Obama

 “Always be true to yourself, don’t let anyone distract you from your goals” – Michelle Obama. 

She has incredible determination to make a change in the world and this is why I feel she is a great role model. I think she’s a woman who has earned everything she owns through hard work and by constantly studying. She created “Let’s Move!”, a very interesting campaign dedicated in promoting a healthy lifestyle with the right food and exercise aiming to end childhood obesity in her country.

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